GP NPP 100 – Geneza Pharmaceuticals




Buy GP NPP 100 Injectable Steroid Online – Geneza Pharmaceuticals

  • Ingredient:Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
  • Manufacturer:Geneza Pharmaceuticals
  • Brand Name:Durabolin, NPP

GP NPP 100 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is a highly effective injectable steroid containing Nandrolone Phenylpropionate at 100 mg per ml.

Key Benefits:

  • Fast-Acting: The phenylpropionate ester ensures rapid action, making it a better choice for tested bodybuilders and athletes compared to Nandrolone Decanoate.
  • Versatile Use: Suitable for both cutting and bulking cycles due to its balanced anabolic properties.
  • Low Aromatization: Minimal estrogenic side effects, such as water retention or gynecomastia, making it a favorite among bodybuilders.

Enhanced Performance:

  • Joint Relief and Healing: Provides significant joint relief and healing, making it popular among bodybuilders.
  • Progesterone Management: Users sensitive to progesterone buildup may add Cabaser or Dostinex to their cycle.
  • Stacking Options:
    • Bulking Cycles: Often stacked with Testosterone for effective bulking.
    • Cutting Cycles: Popularly combined with Winstrol to block progesterone buildup and enhance joint relief.

Usage Recommendations:

  • Dosage:
    • Men: 400-600 mg per week for 8-12 weeks.
    • Women: 50-100 mg per week for effective gains with minimal side effects.
  • Injection Frequency: Every other day to maintain elevated and stable blood levels.
  • Post Cycle Therapy (PCT): Essential to follow a proper PCT program to restore natural testosterone production.

Additional Tips:

  • Androgen Side Effects: Typically not an issue when doses are kept within a reasonable range. However, combining with a small dose of testosterone or a high androgen like Proviron can help prevent libido loss.
  • Women-Friendly: Favored by women bodybuilders for its mild androgenic nature and minimal masculinizing side effects.

GP NPP 100 is a versatile and effective steroid, perfect for athletes and bodybuilders looking to achieve steady muscle gains, joint relief, and enhanced performance. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any steroid cycle to ensure safe and effective use.



Geneza Pharmaceuticals

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