Ovitrelle HCG – Merck




Buy Ovitrelle HCG Post Cycle Therapy Online – Merck

CLASSIFICATION Glycoprotein hormones, alpha polypeptide
 DOSAGE 500-3000IU 1-3 times/week
 ACNE Possible
 WAREHOUSE International Warehouse 2
 SUBSTANCE Human Chorionic Gonadotropin,

(Save $33.00) $302.00
(Save $134.00) $536.00

Ovitrelle 250 mcg 6500iu is an injectable drug by Merck, supplied in a pre-filled pen containing 250 mcg of choriogonadotropin alfa in 0.5 ml of solution, equivalent to approximately 6,500 IU.

Choriogonadotropin alfa mimics the natural hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), known as the ‘pregnancy’ hormone, which supports pregnancy maintenance. Produced by the developing placenta, hCG helps suppress hunger and triggers fat utilization for fuel. It is also used to induce ovulation and treat infertility in women, and to increase sperm count in men. Bodybuilders incorporate it into steroid cycles and post-cycle therapy to maintain gains and boost testosterone production.

Ovitrelle is popular among bodybuilders and athletes at the end of anabolic-androgenic steroid cycles to prevent muscle tissue breakdown. It also helps restore the testes to their normal function and size, which may shrink after steroid use. When combined with a very low-calorie diet, athletes can burn extra fat while preserving muscle mass. Women may also use Ovitrelle with a low-calorie diet to shed unwanted fat.

The typical dosage of Ovitrelle during a cycle ranges from 500iu to 3000iu per week (1-3 times weekly). More frequent injections stabilize blood levels, while a single shot may increase estrogen levels due to testosterone aromatization, potentially causing gynecomastia. Some bodybuilders have used 6000iu for 6 days, but this is risky and depends on individual factors. For post-cycle therapy, Ovitrelle should be used in smaller doses, around 250-500iu daily for 2-3 weeks. These smaller doses help reverse testicular atrophy. Bodybuilders should follow a 2-3 week Ovitrelle cycle with at least one month off in between. Ovitrelle can be used with Clomid or Nolvadex in PCT and continued after Ovitrelle is no longer part of the cycle. Starting an Ovitrelle cycle near the end of a steroid cycle, especially in the last week, is most effective.

Serious side effects of Ovitrelle include severe pelvic pain, swelling of the hands or legs, stomach pain and swelling, shortness of breath, weight gain, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Common side effects include headache, restlessness, mild swelling or water weight gain, depression, breast tenderness or swelling, and injection site pain or irritation. In boys, Ovitrelle can cause early signs of puberty, such as a deepened voice, pubic hair growth, and increased acne or sweating.

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