Pharma STAN 50 – Pharmacom Labs




Buy Pharma STAN 50 Injectable Steroid Online – Pharmacom Labs

 CLASSIFICATION Anabolic Steroid
 DOSAGE Men 50-200 mg/week
 CARRIER OIL Water Based
 MANUFACTURER Pharmacom Labs
 WAREHOUSE International Warehouse 3
 SUBSTANCE Stanozolol Suspension,

(Save $20.00) $180.00
(Save $80.00) $320.00

Pharmastan 50: The Most Micronized Stanozolol by Pharmacom Labs

Pharmastan 50 by Pharmacom Labs is the most micronized stanozolol on the market, allowing for the use of any type of needle and injection into various muscle groups. This drug is highly valued by dieting bodybuilders and competitive athletes, primarily for its effectiveness in cutting cycles rather than bulking.

What is Stanozolol (Winstrol)?

Stanozolol, also known as Winstrol, is a 17-alpha-alkylated derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) with low androgenic properties but highly anabolic effects. It was first developed in 1962 by Sterling-Winthrop Laboratories, an American pharmaceutical company, to increase lymphocyte count and CD8+ cell numbers while decreasing CD4+ and CD3+ in postmenopausal women using it for osteoporosis. This effect could be useful for treating autoimmune disorders. Winstrol is also used to treat hereditary angioedema and influences some immunological processes.

Forms of Stanozolol

Stanozolol is available in two forms: tablets and injections. It is the second most widely used oral steroid, surpassed only by methandienone. Stanozolol tablets have a short half-life of about 9 hours compared to the injectable form. The injectable version differs from other injectable anabolic steroids as it is an aqueous suspension of fine steroid particles rather than an oil solution of an esterified compound. This gives it unusual pharmacokinetics, with a sustained effect that slowly tapers, lasting at least a week. Individual particles may remain at the injection site for extended periods.

Benefits of Stanozolol

Although stanozolol is a DHT-based compound, its activity is much milder than that of DHT. As a DHT derivative, stanozolol cannot convert into estradiol, so aromatase inhibitors are not needed when taking this compound. Consequently, stanozolol does not cause water retention; instead, it has a diuretic effect. This makes Winstrol ideal for cutting cycles, as it produces a lean, quality look without excess subcutaneous water retention. It is highly regarded among athletes in strength/speed sports like track and field.

Unique Features for Bodybuilders

For bodybuilders, stanozolol has a unique feature: it significantly lowers sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels, increasing the efficiency of other steroids stacked with it. Specifically, it raises the amount of biologically active free testosterone in the blood. Therefore, it is advisable to always use stanozolol in combination with testosterone. Another reason for this is that Winstrol may increase tendon brittleness due to its potential to dry out joint fluid, leading to joint pain and damage. Both forms of stanozolol (tablets and injections) have been noted to cause adverse changes in cholesterol levels, so monitoring the body’s lipid profile (blood work) during the cycle is recommended.


Stanozolol is generally recommended for athletes with sufficient muscle bulk who wish to improve endurance and increase muscle definition and hardness.



Pharmacom Labs

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