Pharma TEST PH100 Ampoules – Pharmacom Labs




Buy Pharma TEST PH100 Ampoules Injectable Steroid Online – Pharmacom Labs

 CLASSIFICATION Anabolic Steroid
 DOSAGE Men 300-700 mg/week
 CARRIER OIL Grapeseed Oil
 MANUFACTURER Pharmacom Labs
 WAREHOUSE International Warehouse 3
 SUBSTANCE Testosterone Phenylpropionate,

(Save $17.00) $158.00
(Save $70.00) $280.00

Pharma TEST PH100: Top Choice for Mass Building and Cutting Cycles

Pharma TEST PH100 (Testosterone Phenylpropionate) is one of the most effective mass-building anabolics available. It is highly recommended as the foundation for both mass-building and cutting cycles. Testosterone promotes health and well-being by enhancing libido, energy, immunity, fat loss, lean muscle mass, and bone density, and may offer protection against heart disease. It combines excellently with many other compounds, both oral and injectable, as part of a potent stack.

Fast-Acting Ester

With a half-life of around 2-3 days, Pharma TEST PH100 is a fast-release ester, making it excellent for shorter cycles and minimizing bloat. Its characteristics and biological efficiency are much greater compared to PHARMA TEST P, despite having a slightly longer half-life.

History of Synthetic Testosterone

Synthetic testosterone was first synthesized in 1935 by German biochemist Adolf Butenandt and Swiss chemist Leopold Ruzicka, who both received a Nobel Prize for their pioneering work.

Role of Testosterone

Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, crucial for the development of testicles and the prostate. It significantly impacts muscle tissue growth, bone density, and strength. Additionally, testosterone plays a vital role in overall health, well-being, libido, energy, immunity, and the prevention of osteoporosis. Maintaining higher testosterone levels in elderly men has been shown to improve parameters that reduce cardiovascular disease risk, such as increased lean body mass, decreased visceral fat mass, lower total cholesterol, and better glycemic control. Testosterone also influences behavior, mood, romantic relationships, and even career choices. Studies suggest that attention, memory, and spatial ability are key cognitive functions affected by testosterone. Low testosterone levels may be a risk factor for cognitive decline and dementia, making testosterone a key component in anti-aging therapies.

Testosterone in Bodybuilding

Testosterone is highly favored by athletes for its ability to promote significant increases in muscle mass and strength. As a naturally occurring hormone, it remains the most popular anabolic steroid and is typically used as the base of all cycles and stacks. Due to poor oral bioavailability, testosterone is almost always used as an injectable ester or suspension. Long esters release the active agent slowly into the blood, providing stable hormone levels over an extended period without creating peaks.

Conversion and Precautions

In men, approximately 5% of testosterone undergoes 5α-reduction to form the more potent androgen, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), also known as androstanolone. About 0.3% of testosterone is converted into estradiol (the primary female sex hormone) by the enzyme aromatase, expressed in the brain, liver, and adipose tissues. To avoid side effects, it is essential to perform blood work and take aromatase inhibitors (preferably anastrozole) during the cycle and SERMs (clomifene, toremifene) during post-cycle therapy (PCT).



Pharmacom Labs

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