Pharma TREN H100 Ampoules – Pharmacom Labs




Buy Pharma TREN H100 Ampoules Injectable Steroid Online – Pharmacom Labs

 CLASSIFICATION Anabolic Steroid
 DOSAGE Men 150-600 mg/week
 ACNE Rarely
 CARRIER OIL Grapeseed Oil
 MANUFACTURER Pharmacom Labs
 LAB TEST See Document
 WAREHOUSE International Warehouse 3
 SUBSTANCE Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate,

(Save $45.00) $405.00
(Save $180.00) $720.00

Pharma TREN H100: The Ultimate Trenbolone for Muscle Hardness and Strength

Pharma TREN H100 (Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) is the most efficient form of the most effective anabolic steroid ever manufactured. It is highly valued for its ability to increase muscle hardness, definition, and raw strength without unwanted water retention and fat mass gains. Compared to PHARMATREN A100, Pharma TREN H100 is a longer-acting form of trenbolone.

Long-Lasting Effects

With a half-life of around 14 days, Pharma TREN H100 offers a slow release, making it ideal for long cycles.

History and Potency

Trenbolone was first described in 1967. It is an extremely potent anabolic steroid, a 19-nor modification of testosterone, with five times the anabolic and androgenic activity. It is one of the strongest injectable anabolic steroids ever commercially manufactured.

Benefits for Athletes and Bodybuilders

Among athletes, Pharma TREN H100 is highly valued for its ability to increase muscle hardness, definition, and raw strength without unwanted water retention and fat mass gains. It is the drug of choice for contest bodybuilders and remains popular with recreational users looking to refine their physiques.

Why Trenbolone is So Anabolic

Numerous factors contribute to Trenbolone’s anabolic properties. One of the most valuable features is its ability to increase nutrient efficiency. This means that the nutritional value of every gram of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates you consume becomes more valuable and is assimilated more efficiently.

In addition to increasing nutrient efficiency, Trenbolone stimulates protein synthesis and maintains a positive nitrogen balance. Protein synthesis determines how rapidly the body builds muscles, and a higher nitrogen balance results in more protein being built.

Boosts IGF-1 Levels

Trenbolone significantly increases the level of the anabolic hormone IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) within muscle tissue by up to 200%. It also makes muscle satellite cells more sensitive to IGF-1 and other growth factors, potentially increasing the amount of DNA per muscle cell.

Enhances Red Blood Cell Production

Trenbolone dramatically increases the production of red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen in the bloodstream. More red blood cells mean better oxygen saturation of organs, including muscles, which is crucial for developing muscular endurance. Additionally, Trenbolone promotes glycogen replenishment, significantly improving recovery.

Reduces Anti-Anabolic Hormones

Trenbolone reduces the production of anti-anabolic (muscle-destroying) glucocorticoid hormones, particularly cortisol.

Direct Fat Burning

Trenbolone binds directly to androgen receptors much more strongly than testosterone, directly stimulating fat burning.

Side Effects and Precautions

Despite its numerous benefits, Trenbolone has side effects. As a 19-nor modification of testosterone, it is progestogenic, similar to nandrolone. Therefore, prolactin inhibitors (cabergoline) should be used if required.

CAUTION: Using tamoxifen during Trenbolone cycles and post-cycle therapy (PCT) can enhance Trenbolone’s progestogenic activity, so it should be avoided. Instead, Clomid or toremifene are recommended for PCT after using any 19-nor testosterone modifications.



Pharmacom Labs

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