Turinabol – Hilma Biocare




Buy Turinabol Oral Steroids Online – Hilma Biocare

 CLASSIFICATION Anabolic Steroid
 DOSAGE Men 20-50 mg/day
 HBR Perhaps
 LAB TEST See Document
 WAREHOUSE EU Warehouse 3
 SUBSTANCE Chlorodehydro Methyltest,

(Save $35.00) $315.00
(Save $140.00) $560.00

Turinabol: Potent Oral Chlordehydromethyltestosterone Anabolic Steroid

Active Ingredient: Chlordehydromethyltestosterone

Turinabol, developed over half a century ago by Jenafarm in Germany, is a powerful oral steroid known for its predominantly anabolic effects and relatively weak androgenic effects. In the medical field, Turinabol has proven effective in treating muscle dystrophy and bone tissue wasting in both adults and children. This anabolic drug is considered one of the most effective, allowing users to gain muscle mass while minimizing fat and water retention. Additionally, oral Turinabol enhances athletic performance by increasing strength and endurance.

Effects of Turinabol:

  • Increased lean muscle gains
  • Enhanced strength
  • Reinforced bones
  • Elevated sex drive
  • Boosted muscle tissue regeneration

Possible Side Effects:

  • Acne
  • Temporary shutdown of testosterone production
  • Elevated low-density cholesterol levels (LDL)
  • Raised liver enzymes


  • Consider including gonadotropin to minimize side effects when using Turinabol.
  • Avoid combining with other oral anabolic steroids, especially if you have gastrointestinal tract diseases.
  • Due to increased liver load, split the dosage in half and limit use to 8-12 weeks.


  • Turinabol shows excellent results when combined with HGH and both long and short esters.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.



Hilma Biocare

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