Ultima-Cyp – Ultima Pharmaceuticals




Buy Ultima-Cyp Injectable Steroids Online – Ultima Pharmaceuticals

 CLASSIFICATION Anabolic Steroid
 DOSAGE Men 300-1500 mg/week
 HBR Perhaps
 MANUFACTURER Ultima Pharmaceuticals
 LAB TEST See Document
 WAREHOUSE International Warehouse 3
 SUBSTANCE Testosterone Cypionate,

(Save $21.00) $189.00
(Save $84.00) $336.00

Ultima-Cyp is an injectable anabolic steroid with a prolonged action of about two weeks. Its use is associated with a significant increase in muscle mass, endurance, performance, and strength.

Ultima-Cyp is based on Testosterone Cypionate, the longest-acting testosterone ester, which has been popular in the U.S. since the mid-20th century. It possesses high androgenic (100%) and anabolic (100%) activity, along with aromatizing properties and water retention.

Ultima-Cyp Effects:

  • Significant muscle growth
  • Increased oxygen levels in the blood and improved endurance
  • Enhanced spermatogenesis and libido
  • Optimization of nitrogen and phosphorus balance
  • Increased strength and power
  • Strengthened joints (due to water retention)

The side effects of Ultima-Cyp are often linked to its ability to convert testosterone into estrogen (aromatization). To prevent gynecomastia and other estrogen-related effects, anti-estrogens and aromatase inhibitors are necessary during the cycle. Exceeding recommended dosages can lead to androgenic side effects, such as hair growth or loss, acne, and high blood pressure.

How to Use Ultima-Cyp

To safely increase testosterone levels with Ultima-Cyp, follow these guidelines:

  • The optimal weekly dosage for efficacy and safety is 250-500 mg. Higher dosages increase the risk of adverse effects.
  • An Ultima-Cyp cycle should last 8-10 weeks.
  • Anti-estrogens like Clomid or Nolvadex are essential during the cycle.
  • For cycles longer than four weeks, include Gonadotropin (such as Fertigyn or HuCoG 5000/10000) once a week at 500 IU.

Artificially increasing testosterone leads to suppression of the body’s natural production, so it’s important to include Tamoxifen (10 mg daily for two weeks after the last injection). Starting in the second week of the cycle, Proviron is recommended, and it should be replaced by Tamoxifen at the cycle’s end. These measures help mitigate the suppression of natural testosterone production.

Ultima-Cyp Combination Cycles

While Testosterone Cypionate solo is effective, combining Ultima-Cyp with other compounds can yield even better results. For instance, combining it with Nandrolone Decanoate (200 mg per week) can maximize muscle growth. Other options for a combined mass-gaining cycle include Dianabol, Parabolan, and Winstrol. Beginners should consult a doctor to assess the potential impact on their bodies.

However, steroids alone are not enough for achieving optimal results. A proper diet, health supplements, and additional products like fat burners, peptides, and vitamins/minerals are also recommended.

Ultima-Cyp Reviews

Reviews of Ultima-Cyp on various forums highlight its effectiveness in increasing muscle mass, endurance, strength, and gym performance. Approximately 84% of athletes are satisfied with the muscle quality after a cycle, and 86% are pleased with the overall results. Additionally, 79% believe that the price of Ultima-Cyp is justified by its quality.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. For adults only.



Ultima Pharmaceuticals

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